Tuesday, May 4, 2021




Hydrangeas boast bountiful blooms of blue.

Gardenias’ pungent pleasure is caught upon the heavy air,

suffused into the viscous heat.

Summer comes, and air conditioners hum.

I sweat tilling the earth

and pull up weeds determined to smother my tomatoes growing tall.


Fall’s first scarlet leaf spirals down onto the murky pond,

although creamy roses still crown their thorny stems.

A crisp breeze sweeps about and tickles the pink pinched upon my cheeks.

I draw my sweater 'round me as the sun sinks sucking away its warmth

and the gods paint the trees gold and red along the lilac skyline.


Gray dawn spills upon a silent shimmering world—

stilled and chilled by crystal glaze—prisms and diamond dust.

Quartz encrusted cedar boughs bend to graze the glassy grass.

Inside the fire is a fury licking at oak hewn only yesterday.

I reach to feel the embers that ease the complaints of well-worked bones.


Winter slipped away—

somewhere between that last log on the fire

and a short-sleeved T-shirt.

Suddenly one morning the azaleas were a fiery coral

and the dogwood was bedecked in holy white.

I never got my tulips planted,

maybe then I would have noticed the imminence of spring.


Life is but a second

and the seasons come so fast.

When did I become an old woman?







Crashing down on barren ground,

felled by a joyless sun, shamefully peering from ashen puffery

ripe with the rain to come.

Stifling dust will mix to mud;

blood soaks sorrow’s Sabbath.

The prolixity of my sentence is a crucifying curse.

I cross myself: Hypocrisy!

Pray selfish prayers for solace despite carnal sins committed.

Your flesh, not bread, is the sacrament I choose to choke upon—

and not a drop of wine to save me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Sheree Ann Martines-Additional Works and Links






Rude Awakening-Released December 2019

Tempered Soul-Surviving Trauma, Grief, and Bipolar Disorder-in progress



 Hollow chambers hammer—
rhythmic-flexing muscle
pushes fast my life force
through arteries and veins.
Ventricles and atria,
auricles and valves—
pulsing with the essence
of all my mind and soul.
Through vessels pounds the pressure—
blood races with emotions
felt far more keenly
than the perpetual beating,
keeping me breathing,
vital to my being,
ever needing your love.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lone Wolf


The moon at full yawn leans out of an indigo sky

Shimmering beams reach down to catch your eye.

Against the black cold, a spark ignites,

suddenly the fervor is burning bright.

The wolf in the woman is howling tonight

She’s alone and proud, and ready to fight.

Scarred but not skittish, marred but not mad—

Her pain’s making you forget all you’ve had.

Sacrificing her soul at the sound of your call.

She’ll lay down her heart in the shadows that fall

Never to be caged, she’s destined for the kill

And you know it will be your greatest thrill.

Hearts in the Half Moon

Cheshire smile, hangs cock-eyed high on black and smoky canvas,

throws subtle light on misty trail, the maiden finds her way.

Over rocks and ruts, and branches low, she dips and bends—

a ribbon woven over the path tied to her lover’s heart.

She has no fear; she feels him near—her breast a cadence beating.

Now breathless in her joy she sees their hidden place of meeting.

A shadow shifts and pulls her close. The air is passion-laden.

Cocooned in reverent arms, he lays her upon the earth

Their murmurs rise sewn into sounds the midnight creatures make.

Bared flesh becomes a ghostly glow upon a bed of moss—

side by side and palm to palm, soft lips brush sweetly lips,

and eyes to eyes like heaven’s stars that fall across the sky.

Small minutes in small hours, emotions, secret, swell.

The song thrush sings: Time is short and dawn will soon reveal

infinite love branded bright as holy souls hold tight.

A parting promise—this journey made—gone into the night.



A circuitous journey is the sum of our days—

Between heaven and hell, we endeavor towards grace.

Dominion surrendered; must life be defined

By insignificant sanity or madness sublime?


Is heaven a few drops of what we most wish,

Delightfully licked from the holy chalice?

Hell is the interim, mournfully sown,

Like Anna on the tracks and Dulcinea unknown.


When our corporal concerns are extinguished by death,

Do our energies on earth amount to chaff?

Slammed between the polar extremes we’ve been given,

We accept that pain is so much of living.


Courageous men have faced cowardice;

Success without failure, cannot exist.

Love must be known for hate to breed;

Ecstasy mingles with agony.


Truth balances upon the lies that we wield.

In the darkest of hours, bright hope is revealed.

As the sun sets ablaze the epic we’ve lived,

The end of pain is a sanctified gift.