Friday, December 2, 2016

Hearts in the Half Moon

Cheshire smile, hangs cock-eyed high on black and smoky canvas,

throws subtle light on misty trail, the maiden finds her way.

Over rocks and ruts, and branches low, she dips and bends—

a ribbon woven over the path tied to her lover’s heart.

She has no fear; she feels him near—her breast a cadence beating.

Now breathless in her joy she sees their hidden place of meeting.

A shadow shifts and pulls her close. The air is passion-laden.

Cocooned in reverent arms, he lays her upon the earth

Their murmurs rise sewn into sounds the midnight creatures make.

Bared flesh becomes a ghostly glow upon a bed of moss—

side by side and palm to palm, soft lips brush sweetly lips,

and eyes to eyes like heaven’s stars that fall across the sky.

Small minutes in small hours, emotions, secret, swell.

The song thrush sings: Time is short and dawn will soon reveal

infinite love branded bright as holy souls hold tight.

A parting promise—this journey made—gone into the night.


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